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Systemic Diagnostic


What is it ?

A simple process

To identify the sequence of (inter)actions that cause a situation or problem

​At team, division or organisational level

Starting from individual perceptions & resulting in one common view

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small but essential preliminary investment

To align a team, division or organisation & bring people into motion

Ensuring the design post-diagnostic of effective & efficient action plans

When to use ?

In case of problems

and/or blockages

To untangle complex problems, identify underlying root-causes. 

Before initiating
a change

As a preliminary step,  to identify strengths, weaknesses & limits
of the organisation.

Growth and/or cost reduction initiative

In case you want to unlock EBITDA potential and/or reduce cost of poor quality.

Collaboration issues
within/between teams

In case of tensions and/or blockages between people because of interpersonal issues, and/or misperceptions.

(Re)definition of a

vision & mission

To align a management team or organisation around a concrete and actionable mission & vision, clearly identifying behaviours that bring them to life.



To assess the specific strengths and actionable improvement areas of a manager as perceived by his collaborators.

due diligence

To screen the strengths and 
weaknesses as perceived by clients or employees, and identify any people-related issues of a target acquisition.

Complex multi-
stakeholder problems

To set up a problem solving approach for any complex problem that involves many stakeholders

How does it work ?


"deep interviews"

Individual interviews with a representative set of people to:

  • Encourage interviewees to securely share perceptions,

  • Gather an understanding of individual views,

  • Based on an adequate questioning, challenge thoughts and inspire progress.



Seminar with
all stakeholders

  • Share the synthetic diagnostic with all colleagues,

  • Engage in a constructive dialogue to get to an overall shared view of the situation,

  • Get a precise understanding of current issues at stake,

  • Co-create possible solutions to address precise problems.





  • Co-construct action plans to initiate change,

  • Set up collaborative teams,

  • As a follow-up, coach teams to define projects,

  • Coordinate/accompany the project management of identified plans of actions,

  • Accompany the change.

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Unique value-added

  1. Interviews are confidential and led by a coach expert in listening, stimulating interviewees to express own perceptions on the organisation's difficulties and avoid the unspoken

  2. Interviewers are system thinkers and detect root-causes & implicits.

  3. Obtain a cross-view on performance, from complementary angles. With a precise view of performance drivers or killers.

  4. Mobilise employees so that they become part of the change rather than resisting to it.

Examples of projects




Identification of client & staff needs as input for designing & initiating a transformation

Service provider

SITUATION: Due to an execution rather than a continuous improvement & innovation mindset, the market leader was loosing market share as delays amounted to more than 4 weeks (3d for competition)


  • Performed "deep interviews"with 20 customers, and identified several important needs that the company had not expected,

  • Questioned around 25 internal staff members to identify internal virtuous & vicious circles,

  • Gradually adjusted the way of organising and working towards an increased autonomy.

IMPACT: General alignment on solutions. Collaborators & clients felt listened to and were motivated to participate in shaping new processes & adjusting the organisation. Delays evolved from 4 weeks to 24h, market share was regained and employee satisfaction increased dramatically.

Restructuring a non-performing on-going transformation programme


SITUATION: On-going eCommerce transformation programme at an incumbent retailer, involving 7 out of 10 business units (BUs >80% of turnover). Around 50 external IT consultants working without precise  needs communicated by the business analysts.


  • Performed initial systemic diagnosis to assess the structure of the program and align stakeholders & BUs, merely involved until then.

  • Restructured the program team and governance based on output.

  • Set up an on-going dialogue and communication

  • Moved the team to an out-of-office location, created an own internal branding, while keeping tight ties with the organisation.

IMPACT: Aligned program team and BU stakeholders on a detailed project brief. Restructured program team. Start-up spirit.

Systemic diagnostic to identify paths towards sustainable growth

Consulting company

SITUATION: Fast-growing SME losing its entrepreneurial culture as reaching 100+ employees. Important employee dissatisfaction.


  • Deep interviews with 30 employees & 5 clients

  • Enabled senior management team & subsequently the entire organisation to look at itself with a renewed perspective

  • Identified the root-causes of tensions at management team (MT) level, worked with the MT to use their combined skills effectively

  • Devised ways to strengthen newly identified corporate strengths while addressing the weaknesses discovered

  • Complemented approach with 121 coachings of the senior team

IMPACT: Open sharing of unspoken frustrations towards management. Identification a clear areas for change and learning. Renewed collaboration within the MT. Merger of 2 independent BUs into a number of client-oriented teams. 

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