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Collective Impact

What is it ?
A cross-sector collaborative approach bringing together public institutions, corporations, non-profits, funders and implementers
Working through a coordinated approach
Towards the same large-scale impact goal
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Solutions are reached from the complementary and simultaneous cumulative action of many organisations within the system
Organisations have a common system of indicators measures, actively & specifically coordinate their actions and share lessons learned.
Key Conditions for Collective Impact
1. Common Agenda
Collective impact requires all participants to have a shared vision for change, one that includes a common understanding of the problem and a joint approach to solving it through agreed upon actions.
2. Shared Measurement Systems
Agreement on the ways success will be measured and reported. Consistent collection of data and measuring of results on a short list of indicators, at community level and across all participating organisations.
3. Mutually Reinforcing Activities
Diverse group of stakeholders working together, not all doing the same thing, but each undertaking the specific set of activities at which it excels in a way that it supports and is coordinated with actions of others.
4. Continuous Communication
Build up enough experience with each other to recognise and appreciate the common motivation behind efforts. See that own interests are treated fairly, and believe that decisions will be made based on objective evidence and the best possible solution to the problem, not favouring the priorities of one organisation over another.
5. Backbone Support
A separate organisation with a very specific set of skills to serve as the backbone for the initiative. Coordination takes time, none of the participants have any to spare.
The staff must plan, manage, and support the initiative through ongoing facilitation, communication, data collection & reporting, and handling of logistics and admin for the initiative to function smoothly.
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